Arts From the Desk Arts
With 21 St. Clements Avenue once more humming with life, the building is resonating with artistic brilliance from art-lined halls to music-filled rooms.
For abundantly creative Clementines, the media is definitely part of the message. From stretched canvas and sheet music to photography paper and even skateboards, there’s nomaterial that can’t be turned into a work of art by SCS students. Whether sketching friends or painting family, playing with perspective or adjusting F-stops, the works of art that emanate from every grade are always spectacular and impressive. While the school hallways have always been galleries of our students’ greatness, one of the benefits of remote learning over the past two years has been the development of the means to share these workswith awider audience through technology. InMarch, technology permitted us to also share our Senior School Production of Little Women with a wider audience than ever before when the production was live-streamed from PowellHall.Withstudentsoperating thecameras and high in the control booth, it was a dramatic, musical, and technological masterpiece.
22 | Red Blazer Spring 2022
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